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Who Can Count to Three?

Miracles Never Cease!

Wow. How can I put this?

Sam is on a three week mini mission with us and we have seen so many miracles since then!!!

We have met two people who BOTH came to church with us on sunday and absolutely loved it!

One of them is this sweet 16 year old girl.

We were walking home along the canal and I see this girl up ahead sitting on a cement block all by herself. So I turn to Sam and tell her that she needs to give her a card! It's Sam's first time to approach someone so she was super nervous and almost didn't go for it. But she received the courage right before and just strode right up to her.

She handed her the card and we all began to talk! I asked her if she had ever wondered what her purpose was here on earth? And she replied "Well yes! That's what I'm doing right now!" SO we shared some more with her and then offered to say a prayer.

Afterwards she turned to me and said "I felt something really good then".

She is so sweet! I love her!

Awkward Moments..

So. I'm awkward. Obviously.

But I seriously love all of these memories of uncomfortable. Actually, as I am typing this... awkward moments are happening. ha A lady came in and is applying for a library card. Sam is sitting next to me and as she said her name we both recognized it as this lady that we have been working with so we both looked over the bookshelf right as she looked at us staring at her. Um. Yeah.

So anyway! A couple saturdays ago we were playing football and I was legging it for the ball. Miguel was also running for it. Well, it had rained earlier that morning and so the field was a bit wet. Of course I didn't take this into consideration at all haha so I continued running even though he had just reached the ball.

So then I decide to put on the stops.

Which meant that I full on slid and flew at miguel and the ball. He tried to dodge me, I think, but next thing I know I had slid a good 10 metres and miguel was on the ground a few feet away and everyone was practically in tears from laughter. I had no clue what had happened really, I didn't think my fall was that ungraceful.

But apparently in Miguels attempt to dodge me I had somehow table topped him and he flew, tumbling into the air landing quite ungracefully several feet away.

Now no one comes near me when we play because they think I will tackle them.

Oh well.

Spiritual Thought

"Rationalization is Always Unrelevant when the Lord Calls you"

I'm not sure why I inserted random capital letters in there, but hopefully it just provides some extra emphasis.

Someone from the ward spoke this past sunday and this was a quote that they had said and it really struck me. I realized that this really could apply for anything. Whether it's spiritual or just related to our life as individuals!

Especially as members of the church when we are given certain callings we feel so inadequate, whether it be because we don't feel as though we are capable or maybe we just don't think we have the time. But all of these negative thoughts and feelings truly are irrelevant when the Lord calls on us to aid Him in this work. He knows us! He knows what we are capable of!

So whether it be a calling in church, or whether it just be more added onto our plates with work, kids, school... whatever it may be. Heavenly Father is aware of us, and He gives us these opportunities to learn and to grow. There is nothing that can come to our minds that will cancel and disqualify us for that which the Lord has called us to do. Because He is with us.

And I want to tell you, that YOU can do all things!

You are where you are at right this minute because that is where you need to be. The people that are your neighbors and friends are there because you can each have an impact on each others' lives for good!

And if it's any consolation, I have somehow been out here in a foreign country for 7 months doing something I have minimal experience with, and if I can do that, I promise you can get through whatever you may be going through! I know it!

I know that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us. Every single one of you :)


Jaffa cakes. They're interesting haha but I did find out that there is a certain procedure that you have to do when you eat them (thanks to Sam). First you hold it up and say "full moon!" then, you take a bite and then say "Half moon". Then you Eat the rest and say "Total Eclipse!"

She's weird.. but we won't tell her that ;)

And then as for words, well. Basically I've tried time and time again to speak with an accent. I've lost all touch. I just say it all wrong haha

Quotes of the Week!

"I can't count to three!!" ~Elder Hill

"Just count to one three times, then!" ~Sister Warren

"Hey! I know something about Mormons! You drink hot chocolate, don't you?" ~Steven (the dog volunteer)

"Oli, Where did we come from before we came here to earth?" ~Oli's Mum

"WALES!" ~Oli (he's 6)

"We couldn't because there was a cat's, no wait, a bird's nest in there..." ~Elder Yates

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