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Thunderstorms of Blessings!

StartFragmentWell it's been another week! I can't believe it. To get the big news out of the way... I got my flight plans and I wanted to cry. But I didn't. Score one for me! Onto the better news! My week! Wow, time just seems to be speeding up! Sister Gantulga and I have a blast together and her English is improving so much! Although she says I still talk way too fast... Ha but she is teaching me Mongolian as well! Which is like the hardest thing ever... But pretty fun to see her get so excited when I can finally pronounce a word right haha We got to have tea with one of our investigator families which I think was the highlight of my week! The father is from Fiji and the mum is English. I love them to bits!! We had authentic Fijian food and had so much fun talking about everything! They have four girls and after tea they got out their photo albums and showed us some of their adventures. I talked about family history with the dad and he loved the idea because families back in Fiji record their records, it's the fathers responsibility to register the families in the island book! They gave us a lift home and hopefully we'll see them again this next week. They have such a strong long for family and you can see they are looking for the peace that the gospel will bring them :) Then later in the week we went to call by our potential out in an area we get to by bus. She wasn't in so we started walking back to the bus station and it started to rain! Not too heavily but we definitely weren't expecting it haha so we started to run to the bus shelter when someone pops out of the bush and screams at us! Stinkin elders. Turns out they just got out of a teaching appointment in our area too! And then it just started pouring! So we legged it to the bus shelter just in time for the storm to roll in. It was thundering and lightning and pouring harder than I've seen it in the 17 months I've been in England! I absolutely loved every second of it! Although it was a bit scary... Ha mostly because the spiders had the same idea as us and took cover in the bus shelter. Yuck. We had a lot of good conversations this week, and it was amazing to see just the difference sharing some of our beliefs with people makes in their life and in mine! There was a lady who, upon seeing us, mentioned quickly that she was not religious but that she was happy to talk. After some conversation she mentioned that her dog, her best friend, was killed earlier in the week and her life felt like it was ruined. I didn't really know what to say seeing as she was pretty forward about not being religious. But, what the hey, I'll say it anyway! So in my rush to hurry and say something it came out pretty tactless... "Well, I know you're not religious but, we believe that all dogs go to heaven...." Hahahahahah when will I learn? Oh well, she seemed to like the sentiment and then shared some of her beliefs about the soul of her dog and we then got to share more about what we believed happened after death. So see? You can never really go wrong when you're sharing the gospel! Just do it :) I promise you'll be given what you need to say and not only that, but you just feel good afterwards. I love being a missionary!!! Well, not too much else happened! We got to help paint a house, which is my favourite kind of service to do and I got to pet way more dogs this week than I think I ever have.... Which also made me really happy. Naturally. Speak to you all soon!!! Love, XX Sister ReedEndFragment

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