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Wow. Well, I really don't even know where to begin!

I've learned never to ask President in advance if I am going or staying in the next transfer that's for sure.

So we got our transfer calls early Saturday morning! And I mean really early! I was in the other room when the phone went off around 7 am and I rushed to answer it clearing my throat along the way trying to sound like I was alive and not just sleep walking.

"Are you ready for transfer calls?"

"Uhh yeah..."

"Alright, I'll put you in!"

*Silence for a few minutes*

"Oh... calls are at 7:45... oops. Sorry everyone! I'll call back later!"

So that was early. ha So they call back and the Zone Leaders are telling everyone what's happening to them.. they finally get to Sister Warren and I and we predict that we are both staying, kind of already knowing that we would. There was some silence on the other line and then Elder Yates says, "Well no, actually Sister Reed you're being transferred to Ashton 2 and Sister Warren you'll be staying and training".


I just couldn't believe it! I was heartbroken really. And to tell you the truth I still don't think that it's quite hit me that I'm leaving here so soon. I love the Runcorn ward so much, and for spending so little time here they have truly become my family. I love all of the characters and the hilarious people and families. I have loved getting to know them and I have felt so welcomed here. I love them so much! I am so sad to be leaving, especially right before Christmas, but hopefully Ashton will become my family too :)

Well, on to the brighter side of things! Here are some experiences from the week!


My goodness.

A piece of advice. If you ever see anyone sitting on a park bench or a cement stump... GO AND TALK TO THEM.

Because they probably have had a pretty rough day.

Adele is so sweet and she was such a miracle! Although she is facing some family opposition right now I have no doubt that the young women and leaders in runcorn as well as the ward members have impacted her life for good. She understood the Gospel so well! But we have to respect her mum's wishes. Keeping her in my prayers.

We met another girl named Amanda as we were walking along the canal towards the bridge. She was happy and cheery just like Adele but after a few minutes of conversation she expressed that she just wanted to make it through Christmas.

We sat and talked for awhile and I shared with her about my hectic day trying to get to Chester to take my test only to miss it by one question and then I just shared with her the Book of Mormon. She was amazing! We were just able to bear our testimonies and let her know that everything was going to be ok.

I love ebing a missionary. Because really, all it is is having the opportunity to do as Christ would and not letting it pass you by! It's jsut loving our neighbors.

Also, this Sunday was my last. And Jimmy hadn't been to church the past few weeks and he wasn't in when we went around to tell him I was leaving.

But we walked into the Chapel Sunday morning and there he was!! Sitting on the bench just listening to the piano!

I was shocked and so happy that he came!!! He is such a sweet spirit who really wants to change his life. I cannot wait for the day when he is baptised, you can bet I will be there. Jimmy is amazing.


So, it's always awkward when you're knocking on doors and you get to a door that's already cracked open. What do you do? You can't just skip it.. but then is it weird if you knock? It's the questions of life really.

I also really enjoy when you're walking the streets on the completely opposite side of town from where you live and you begin talking to a man who expresses quitely boldly his disinterest. It's even better when he finally says, "I know you. I live right above you. You're my neighbors and you sing a lot". Oh. Yeah, we do sing. #didn'tthinkhecouldhear #floorsaren'tsoundproof #singingtherestorationnexttime

Also, last monday we were on the phone with President and Sister Ulrich. They were driving somewhere because we were on speakerphone in their car and we could hear the traffic. Anyways, as we go to hang up I asked him if there was anything we could for them. "Well yes! You can sing us a Christmas song!" So sister Warren and I pick a song and then sing away!

There was dead silence afterwards.

Absolutely nothing.

SO either our singing moved them to tears or it was so bad they didn't know how to tell us. It continued in silence until finally we just hung up. #awk #imgoingprofessional

Another day we were walking the streets of Sunny Runcorn and we stop this man named Chris. He tells us that he actually has a copy of the Book of Mormon and he went to school with a girl who had given it to him a few years ago. We talk to him a little more and then he suddenly asks "Are you the girls taking driving lessons from Jimmy?"

Wait, what? "Yeah, I'm doing my lessons with him! How do you know him?"

"Yeah, I'm taking driving lessons with him and he told me about you. He says that you all get in the car at once and that you are all crazy! And sing a lot".

oops. I guess I just didn't really think we sang that much? Well at least I'm not to blame for that one because I'm busy driving. SO I'm putting all of the blame on SIster Warren and Sam for that one. #heywe'refamous #atleasthedidn'tsaymydrivingwasawful

Spiritual Thought

As it was Thanksgiving this week, I just really wanted to express my gratitude.

They don't really celebrate Thanksgiving here, but the ward members are so kind! We had tea at a member's home and it was absolutely perfect. It was beautiful! The food was incredible and feeling was even better.

I knew that it was done for Sister Warren and I and had I not had faulty tear ducts I probably would have just been crying from gratitude from all of the work that went into making it so special.

I am so grateful to have had the chance to serve here. I have learned so much from the strength of the people here both as a whole and as individuals. I could see the trials and hardships and I could see the determination, courage, and faith that these people had.. and I am so amazed.

Despite all of my shortcomings, I still am getting blessed. I am still receiving more. I love my Savior. I love my family.

We are living in a dangerous world, a society that diminishes what we have and teaches us to always want more and to not be satisfied with what we have or who we are.

I am learning the value of the one.

Christ values the one. He values me, and he values each of you! DO you understand that? No matter who you are, what you are diong, what you have accomplished or what you feel you have failed at... He loves you.

And I love you too!

Thank you, for everyone who has lifted me up, who has shared a joke, a laugh, a smile, or a shoulder for me to cry on. Thank you.

I want to emulate my Savior and do all that I can to give bakc to Him, by giving to otehrs. And I would encourage you all to do the same.

Remember who the first gift was. And it was given out of love.

If you're not sure of what the fist gift was... hopefully this can help :)


Oh my heavens... this week has been crazy! So I'm working on getting my license here and I scheduled to take the driving theory test on wednesday down in Chester which is about a 45 minute bus ride away. SO. We go early in the morning because my test is at 10 and we're sitting waiting for the 8:30 bus to Chester. And we're waiting. And we're waiting. Well, it's almost 9 and we're kind of freaking out. Where in the world is this bus? So I call the zone leaders and Elder Yates said that he had just gotten off of the phone with Bishop who said that there was a wreck or something and the whole of the motorway to Chester was shut down. WHAT.

So now I'm running through my head how I'm supposed to get there completely stressing out. I think I called just about 20 different people and they all had last minute things come up. I was stressed out of my mind!

Finally we try to catch a bus to get to the train station and wait for a train there. We get on one and make to Chester and to my testing center at about 11. I walk in and explain and they told me to just wait and if there are any no shows then can do it!

So I'm waiting, and waiting. I think I left my head back in Runcorn really..

But I finally get in there to take the dang test.

And I miss it by one.

Yeah, I was a bit upset haha and for those who know me, I'm quite the master test crammer. But I guess Heavenly Father is wanting me to actually learn real study skills.

I learned my lesson! Perhaps I'll have better luck in Ashton after I've actually Studied the many different driving in europe theory books.. ha

Quotes of the Week

"Well, I thought he was going to say 'I'm completely deaf!' and that's why I stepped a little closer and declared my beliefs a little louder!"

"Aww... look at the cement.."

"Umm, are you mewing? Like the pokemon?" (Sister Warren is working on her cat meowing but our ward mission leader couldn't tell)

"Is She married?" "Only to her husband.." ~Some old men in the library

"I feel like we're all about to attend Elder Yates Funeral.."

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