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So real quick, I just want to share a small world story.

So I am in the YSa ward right? Right.

And I have some friends here that went to Dublin, Ireland last weekend. They ran into some missionaries there and started a conversation. Well, they eventually got to asking which missionaries were in the YSA ward and they said Sister Reed. "No way!! We know Sister Reed's sister! Sister Reed!" So yeah. Small world.

Also, I've been told I have a story teller voice. So that's fun. I hope it doesn't mean that I put people to sleep...

OH! And here is the best news ever. I will be able to hold this against my family forever...


That's what's up.

AND I had the same lady as last time! BOO YAH. I'm pretty sure it's because my mission president gave me a blessing before hand though...

but still. This license means that I am the best driver in my family ;) And I even have a serious face in my picture. SO you know that it means business.

Afterwards my driving instructor (who reminds me of my old mission president) look so relieved that I had passed that he came and gave me a hug. I had no idea what to do so I just patted him on the back haha he's such a sweet old man. And one of the funniest people I've ever met.

So this week.. Hmm... It was Chinese new year? In case no one knew... so that was fun. There were things set up all around the town! It's the year of the ram so that's exciting. Kind of? I think..

We went to the Manchester Museum last week and my head hurt from reading about all of the information about well, everything. There was one part of the museum where they had live animals.. well like, reptiles. And there was a snake in one just curled up. I felt like Harry Potter. Ya know, being in England and everything.


So we went to eat at a Thai place and walking through Picadilly there was this person beatboxing. And they were SO good! We got closer and turns out, it was a girl! I was so impressed. We stood to watch for a few minutes and then I pulled out a couple pounds and a pass along card. I wrote "Thank you for sharing your talents! keep going! God loves you! Sister Reed, Gjikaj, and Cristobal" and then our number haha it was just a hurried note but I went and threw it in her shoe box.

The next day was my driving test so I was gone on splits with the senior couple while Sister Gjikaj and Cristobal stayed to work in the area. But later that night they told me that the girl had texted us! WHAT! No one ever texts us back! haha So that was a pretty good miracle.


This week is transfers. It's kind of a weird week to be honest. So I will be staying here in the YSA (WOOO!) with Sister Cristobal and SIster Gjikaj will go to stockport! It will be a really exciting transfer I think.

But this wednesday will be really hard... because I have a lot of good friends who's missions are ending. Including my Trainer Sister Nelson. AHH! Weird. And I am now considered "old" in the mission. Not ok. ha

Awkward Moment

So we met someone named "Wen Tao" on the street and we invited him into to see our building and to give him a tour. He was super friendly and he is from china! But his english is really good. At the end we were setting up another appointment with him and I put his number in the phone. Then I asked what his name was... well, my chinese isn't brilliant or anything... but I was pretty proud of my attempt at spelling his name. in fact, I was pretty sure I had it right. In our phones we have to distinguish between numbers and names. Like, who are members, who are investigators... etc. So we usuallly put investigator before the name in the phone. SO that's what I did. then I showed Wen tao the phone to make sure I spelled it right and he laughed and said not even close! Then he got rid of the "investigator" part and handed it back.

That was embarrassing. ha he wasn't supposed to see that... oh well.

We are working hard over here across the pond! But it's a lot of fun :) I can't remember if I said this already, but I think my record for talking to someone on the street is about 1 hour and 47 minutes? Yepp.

Feet? What are feet?

Also. I can't find my running shoes.. my companion suggested that maybe they ran away. Clever. ha

I just love being a missionary.

I studied the Story of Esther this week. I love her courage. I also love the principle of fasting. It is a principle that has been around since the beginning of time. And it is such a powerful tool to come to know the will of God. You may lose some physical strength, but that is quickly regained once you eat again. However, the spiritual strength gained from fasting is something that will carry you for the rest of your life.

I encourage you to study Esther! And the power of fasting and prayer. And if you have never tried it before, try it! But make sure to open with a prayer and end with one as well... otherwise, you're just starving yourself.


"You'd be down the river with no paddle..." ~Brogan

"That monkey looks very ugly" ~Sister Cristobal

"What is this sweet pie? You need this in your life!" ~Sister Gjikaj

"Set big goals and don't give up. It takes a lot of hard work and many prayers. Just know the harder ones will build greater character" ~My Grandma

"If you knew you would be answered tomorrow, would you pray today? That's the faith we need"

Loads of love from England,

Sister Reed

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