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Sorry, but I was just informed that I have like 3 minutes left instead of an hour... awkward.

Well here's just a super fast update on the work and some fun photos! Better than nothing this week, right? :)

The investigators that we have right now are slow moving and not very solid, so we've been working to really find people who are committed and ready to change! We have two families at the moment that we are really excited about. One is a family we met the first day I was here. She's very religious and loves her bible but she is so humble! She said "anyone who comes to me and wants to talk about God must be sent from Him. Because if He didn't want them to talk to me then He would have stopped them from coming to my doorstep!" She is absolutely wonderful! She is married with 4 kids and she is so kind and has such a strong faith. We're praying that she will be open to accepting the restoration with wide open arms! Another is a woman who's family has a background of Jehovah's Witnesses but she's never followed the faith. She was absolutely wonderful and has a huge family that she can't live without! We shared with her the Family Proclamation and she wanted us to come back!SO we're seeing her this Thursday and I am so excited!!

Also, where we live borders stoke and everyone calls everyone "duck" here.

It's great fun.

Here are some quotes from the week!!

"I just need some board games, candles, and KFC and I'm all set!" How a New Zealander does romance

"I figured that you shouldn't eat cheese before you sleep."


"Yeah, it gives you nightmares..."

"Do you know who LL Cool J Is?"


"Well he's a rapper"

"Oh! Of course! Who else would have a name like that?"

"I know right? Hello, I'm LL Cool J and I'm a pediatric Nurse."

"I wear charity like it is my clothes!" -Our investigator

"I love lady bugs! But not when they're too close..."-Sister Ryser

Have a great week!

Sister Reed

P.S. As you can see... or maybe not... there are some figurines on our dashboard hahaha those are certainly disney princesses! Holla!

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