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The Church is True and the Book is Blue!

hello all!!!

I love you all so much and wow... this past week has just been FULL of miracles. There will be so many to share with y'all I just cannot WAIT.


So many awkward moments too because my new companion and I are super just crazy together! And I know that we're supposed to grow up and everything on our missions but... I've just developed a lot of childish talents. AND am basically known for my strange noises and singing voices. It's what I do now. ha


We have been so busy with some meetings and everything what with travel and just.. business... that we've been having a hard time finding really good time to go out and teach loads.


Every time that we have been able to get out there and hit the streets we've found new people to teach and have been able to share our testimonies and copies of the Book of Mormon! I FEEL SO GOOD!!!

And Liz (recent convert) comes out with us all of the time and just does her own missionary work on her free time... ha she's amazing! She is such an example to me of just diligence and perseverance. She goes through some tough times, like us all, but she just has a rock solid testimony and always bears such a sincere one to all we teach!!!

Our ward is having a quiz night this week! England is big on their quizzes haha so we're totally stoked for that!

And inviting everyone that we meet to it.... so! Hopefully we'll have a packed house.

Who doesn't love a good quiz and free food?

hmm... well let me just tell you. We track our progress every week and well, every day too. But at the end of the week is when we report our progress! The mission is divided into zones and then within the zones we are divided into Districts. So you have zone and district leaders!

Our district leader is Elder Hotchkiss who used to be the Assistant to the president. BUT now he's finishing his mission here! And the interesting thing about our district is that well, it's two elders and six sisters! THAT'S what's UP!

And so, we're very excited for this transfer... ha we have so much that will be happening. And just to give you a little teaser at the work and what's in store.. here's what our district of 8 missionaries was able to accomplish this last week:

Between the 8 of us we found 30 new investigators, gave out 57 copies of the Book of Mormon, and taught 95 lessons!

Basically, we've blown our previous goals and everything out of the water this week! The work is truly about to explode and I can't wait!!!

Love you all!!

And until next week, tah tah for now!

Oh, and also, I'm going to visit a monkey forest today. So if you would all like to just pray that I don't become the target for some monkeys to aim at, that would be much appreciated.

Pictures to come!

XX Sister Reed

this is a picture of us driving to transfer meeting with 3 sisters' worth of luggage... we were packed in like a can of sardines.

And then a picture of me and my new companion! I LOVE HER TO BITS!!!!

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