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Hello! I have been absolutely rubbish... I know, I know.. BUT! Here are a few things that have happened in my life the past who knows how long! So we went on exchanges with the sisters in Stoke! I went to stoke with sister Tu'itipou (Stoke is literally right next to us). We had so many miracles! We found three new investigators and met with two of them within the 24 hours that we were on exchange for. Tom and Sarah were two that really stood out to me. When we first started talking to Sarah she was quite confrontational saying that we were cruel and awful for thinking there was a God when there is so much evil going on in the world. We continued to talk to her and answer her questions. It came to a point where we just testified that God loves us all and there is a greater plan and peace for us to have while here on earth. Her entire demeanour had changed. She invited us to walk back to her home with her and we continued to answer her questions and she listened to every one! She was so kind and about 30 minutes later she had invited us to come back to her home a few days later. She had Three small kids who were so cute! Before we life, because I didn't know if I would see them again, I of course, sang frozen for them in my "minion voice", they loved it!! I hope I can see them on Sunday!!! Tom! Wow. Tom was amazing we met him and he was just so prepared!! We set up another appointment for the following morning and HE texted US to confirm!! It was amazing!!! The next day we gave him a chapel tour and invited him to be baptised. He prayed at the end and then sent us a text later thanking us for the things we have taught him and how excited he is to learn more! I can't wait to hear how he progresses :) So.... We were going to do service for a member today but we found it a bit difficult to know where she lives... It turned into quite the experience actually. So we change into jeans which is already a weird and uncommon thing and we head off towards what we think is her address. We've been driving for about an hour when we realise that we need petrol. So, now we're kind of in the middle of no where and we think we're even out of our area. We keep on driving and pass a sign that says Wrekin/Telford... WOOPS. that's like the southern most part of our mission! We're completely lost! Haha

We can't find this address and I've been in trousers for like 4 hours... I feel so weird! So we decide that the address that our satnav is taking us to must be the right one.. Even though it looks completely wrong. So we pull in and walk to the front door. A little lady answers... Quite fiery if I might add, and then just stares at us hahah I felt so weird knocking on a door in a hoodie and some jeans. I didn't know how to preach the gospel or tell her we were servants of the Lord come in jeans, so I just said " hi, um, we're church volunteers and sometimes we do service. Need any help with your garden?" I don't know why I'm so awkward. So, we almost went to Wolverhampton. On Wednesday. Which is totally out of our mission boundaries. But we didn't go! So that was close.. Haha She shut the door and we drove off as fast as we could haha needless to say, we got more lost, and spent way too much time just trying to find our way home. Better luck next time? Ha Gary! He is amazing, we've taught him a few times now and every time that we go back there is a physical difference in his home and in his countenance! He's going away for two weeks to get some help with getting back on track with things, and we can't wait for him to get back! And to be studying the Book of Mormon and to receive "some revelations of my own of the truth". He is amazing!! We found out that they're now splitting the sister training leaders which means that sister conlogue and I won't stay together :( AND we won't have a car anymore. Yikes. We're super excited because not only are we getting iPads for the whole mission but we're also going to start doing street displays in town centres!!! We've already been doing some home made ones the past few weeks. We came up with a giant board with some questions and then elder Van Wagoner plays some music and sings on his guitar( he's got some guts) haha and it's gone pretty well! It's a bit terrifying but it's also a lot of fun to talk to so many different people and see them walk past and ask questions! Also, I chopped off all of sister conlogue's hair!! I don't really know why she trusted me :) Stake conference this past weekend was amazing!! It was so good to hear the messages and to see so many old friends from the areas I've served in. There were so many powerful testimonies shared and challenges given to have family scripture study! The gospel is so tangible if we let it be... We need to apply it in our lives. It is for absolutely everyone! Well, this email has been pretty long. But I hope it gave you a good look at my life at the moment! Love you all!!! OH! And I met some fellow Texans this week at church! Greatest moment ever... Well, that and the fact that they knew where magnolia was when I told them haha Love, Sister Reed

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